Days, Months, Seasons
Here you can find most Greek words pertaining to the date and time.
There will be a different section about telling time.
Days of the Week
Sunday |
Κυριακή |
*kirgh'ak'I* |
Monday |
Δευτέρα |
*dhephtEra* |
Tuesday |
Τρίτη |
*trIti* |
Wednesday |
Τετάρτη |
*tetArti* |
Thursday |
Πέμπτη |
*pEmti* |
Friday |
Παρασκευή |
*parask'ebhI* |
Saturday |
Σάββατο |
*sAbhato* |
There are seven days in a week.
- Sunday is supposed to be the first day of the week. "Κυριακή"
means "Day of the Lord" and has, obviously, religious origins.
- The next four days have names that actually mean "Second",
"Third", "Fourth" and "Fifth" (day of the week).
- "Παρασκευή" means "preparation" and "Sabbato" comes from the
corresponding Jewish word ("Sabbath" in English).
All words for the Days of the Week are feminine nouns except for
Σάββατο, which is neuter.
January |
Ιανουάριος |
*ianuArios* |
February |
Φεβρουάριος |
*phebhruArios* |
March |
Μάρτιος |
*mArtios* |
April |
Απρίλιος |
*aprIlios* |
May |
Μάιος |
*mAios* |
June |
Ιούνιος |
*iUnios* |
July |
Ιούλιος |
*iUlios* |
August |
Αύγουστος |
*Abhghustos* |
September |
Σεπτέμβριος |
*septEmbhrios* |
October |
Οκτώβριος |
*oktObhrios* |
November |
Νοέμβριος |
*noEmbhrios* |
December |
Δεκέμβριος |
*dhek'Embhrios* |
- The twelve-month system in Greek follows the Latin naming, which
is common among the European languages.
All month names are masculine nouns.
Seasons of the Year
Autumn |
το Φθινόπωρο |
*phthinOporo* |
Winter |
ο Χειμώνας |
*kh'imOnas* |
Spring |
η Άνοιξη |
*Aniksi* |
Summer |
το Καλοκαίρι |
*kalokai+ri* |
- "Καλοκαίρι" is definitely the time to be in Greece!
day |
η (η)μέρα |
*(i)mEra* |
night |
η νύχτα |
*nIkhta* |
noon |
το μεσημέρι |
*mesimEri* |
midnight |
τα μεσάνυχτα |
*mesAnikhta* |
morning |
το πρωί |
*proI* |
afternoon |
το απόγευμα |
*apOgh'ebhma* |
evening |
το βράδυ |
*bhrAdi* |
week |
η εβδομάδα |
*ebhdhomAda* |
month |
ο μήνας |
*mInas* |
season |
η εποχή |
*epokh'I* |
year |
το έτος, ο χρόνος |
*Etos, khrOnos* |
time |
ο χρόνος, η ώρα |
*khrOnos, Ora* |
century |
ο αιώνας |
*eOnas* |
today |
σήμερα |
*sImera* |
tonight |
απόψε |
*apOpse* |
tomorrow |
(το) αύριο |
*Abhrio* |
tha day after tomorrow |
μεθαύριο |
*methAbhrio* |
yesterday |
(το) (ε)χτές |
*(e)khtEs* |
last night |
(ε)ψές |
*(e)psEs* |
the day before yesterday |
προχτές |
*prokhtEs* |
next year |
του χρόνου |
*tu khrOnu* |
last year |
πέρ(υ)σι |
*pEr(i)si* |
- The article before the nouns denotes the gender (and perhaps the
number) of the noun. The words without articles in the list above are
- "Του χρόνου" is an expression, not a noun.
- The words "αυριο" and "χτες" may be either nouns or adverbs,
depending on the meaning of the sentence.
- Θα έρθω αύριο = I will come tomorrow (adverb)
- Το αύριο δεν έρχεται ποτέ = Tomorrow never comes (noun)
- "Χρόνος" is used for both "year" and "time". It is actually the
"scientific" term for "time" (as in "time-space").
- The official word for "year" is "έτος", but "χρόνος" may be used
as well.
- "Ώρα" is the word for "hour", but is also used for "time".
- "Χρόνος" is an irregular noun when used meaning "year". It's
singular is masculine but its plural is neuter (χρόνια).
- Έχεις λίγη ώρα; = do you have some time?
- Τι ώρα είναι; = what time is it?
- Πόσο χρόνο θέλεις; = how much time do you want?
- Σε ένα χρόνο = in one year
- Μου πήρε δύο χρόνια = it took me two years
- Είμαι είκοσι χρονών = I am twenty years (old)
- Ένα έτος έχει τέσσερεις εποχές = a year has four seasons
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