Meet the Noun

Λεξιλόγιο *leksilOgh'io* Vocabulary
ο άγγελος *Ang'elos* angel
το αγόρι *aghOri* boy
η αλεπού *alepU* fox
ο άντρας *Andras* man, husband
η γιαγιά *gh'agh'A* grandmother, old lady
το δάσος *dhAsos* forest
το ελάφι *elAphi* deer
το ζώο *zOo* animal
ο καφές *kafEs* coffee
το κορίτσι *korItsi* girl
το κρέας *krEas* meat
η μέρα *mEra* day
ο ναύτης *nAphtis* sailor
το παιδί *pedhI* child,kid
ο παππούς *papUs* grandfather,old man
το σπίτι *spIti* house
η χώρα *khOra* country
ο ψαράς *psarAs* fisherman
το ψάρι *psAri* fish
Other words
βλέπει *bhle+pi* (he/she/it) sees, looks at
δύο *dhIo* two
είναι *Ine* (he/she/it) is, (they) are
ένα *Ena* one (one)
έρχεται *Erkh'ete* (he/she/it) comes
έχει *Ekh'i* (he/she/it) has
θα ζήσει *tha zIsi* (he/she/it) will live, stay
θα μείνει *tha mIni* (he/she/it) will stay, will live
θα παντρευτεί *tha pandrephtI* (he/she/it) will get married
κάθε *kAthe* every
και *k'E* and
κοντά *kondA* close, near (adv.)
λέγεται *lEgh'ete* (he/she/it) is called
λένε *lEne* (they) say
με *mE* with
μοιάζει *mn'Azi* (he/she/it) resembles, looks like
μόνος του *mOnos tu* alone, on his own
όμορφη *Omorphi* beautiful (fem.)
πηγαίνει *pigh'Eni* (he/she/it) goes
πίνει *pIni* (he/she/it) drinks
πολλά *polA* many (neu.)
πολλές *polEs* many (fem.)
σαν *sAn* like
σε *sE* in, at, to
σύντομα *sIndoma* soon, fast
ταϊζει *taIzi* (he/she/it) feeds

The fisherman

Λέγεται Κώστας. Είναι ψαράς. Έχει δύο παιδιά
His name is Kostas. He is a fisherman. He has two children.

Το αγόρι το λένε Παύλο, είναι ναύτης και πηγαίνει σε πολλές χώρες.
The boy is called Pavlos, he is a sailor and goes to many countries.

Το κορίτσι το λένε Άννα και είναι όμορφη σαν άγγελος.
The girl is called Anna and she is beautiful like an angel.

Ο Παύλος, λένε, μοιάζει του παππού του και η Άννα της γιαγιάς της.
Pavlos, they say, looks like his grandfather and Anna like her grandmother.

Το σπίτι του Κώστα είναι κοντά σε ένα δάσος.
Kostas's house is close to a forest.

Το δάσος έχει πολλά ζώα : αλεπούδες και ελάφια.
The forest has many animals : foxes and deer.

Κάθε μέρα, μια αλεπού βλέπει τα ψάρια του ψαρά και έρχεται κοντά.
Every day, a fox sees the fisherman's fish (plural) and comes near.

Η Άννα την ταϊζει κρέας. Ο Κώστας πίνει καφέ και τη βλέπει.
Anna feeds her (with) meat. Kostas drinks coffee and looks at her.

Σύντομα θα παντρευτεί και θα ζήσει με τον άντρα της.
Soon she will get married and she will live with her husband.

Και ο ψαράς θα μείνει μόνος του.
And the fisherman will stay on his own.

Grammar Notes

  1. This lesson presents the various forms of the noun. Noun is a word that refers to a person, animal or thing, action, state or property. Proper nouns are those that are used as names (e.g., Άγγελος, Κώστας, Άννα, Ελλάδα) and their first letter is always capitalized. Nouns in Greek are encountered in three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), two numbers (singular and plural) and four cases. We will not say anything more about the genders and the number, since we encounter them in many other languages. The noun section describes how to identify the gender of a noun. In this lesson we will elaborate on the cases.
  2. The Nominative Case (Ονομαστική πτώση) is used whenever the noun is the subject of the sentence, i.e., the person committing the action described by the verb, for example, or the subject of a reflexive verb, that is a verb whose action returns to the subject, In general, Nominative is the case that we use to answer to the question "ποιος;" or "τι;" (="who?","what?")
  3. The Genitive Case (Γενική πτώση) is used to denote the owner of something. For example, It is the case we use to answer the question "ποιανού" (or "ποιου") or "τίνος" (=whose). The Genitive is sometimes used to replace the preposition+article format, where the preposition is usually "σε". For example, This format has replaced the ancient Dative case (Δοτική πτώση). There is also another use for Genitive. It is used to reveal/declare a property of the preceding noun, in the same way a noun is used in English as an adjective before another noun. For example, This situation is not encountered in our text, but is useful to know for the subsequent lessons.
  4. The Accusative Case (Αιτιατική πτώση) is used for the object of the sentence, namely the recipient of the action described by the verb. For instance, It is used when answering the question "Ποιον;" or "Τι;" (="whom", "what") as in
  5. Finally, the Vocative Case (Κλητική πτωση) is used whenever we call or address someone. E.g.,


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