Exercise Set #2

The following exercises refer to the material presented in Lesson 2.

For each group of sentences fill out the spaces by clicking on the button that corresponds to the right choice from the list at the end of the group. Then peek at the right answers by clicking on the answer button. The correct answer list will appear for as long as you keep clicking on this button.

1. Πάω ______ Ελλάδα. (I go to Greece)
A. B.

2. Είμαι ______ Ελλάδα. (I am from Greece)

A. B.

3. Μιλάω _______ Άννα (I talk to Anna)

A. B.

A. από την
B. στην

In general, "σε" replaces the English prepositions "to", "at", "in". The rest of the English prepositions usually have distinct Greek equivalents. For example,

4. Τι δουλειά κάνεις;

A. B. C. D.

5. Πώς σε λένε;

A. B. C. D.

6. Πόσο θα μείνεις;

A. B. C. D.

7. Από πού είσαι;

A. B. C. D.

A. Με λένε Βάνα.
B. Είμαι από την Αμερική.
C. Είμαι φοιτήτρια.
D. Δύο χρόνια.

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